The Content Management System for Media & Press

Approve Content, Publish it and Archive it from one place

Visual Feedback + Chat

Avoid misunderstanding feedbacks from your team and the clients bu using an easy to use visual feedback system with high precision and an easy user experience.

The chat sidebar makes the collaboration easier by chatting and putting the updates on the same communication channel.

Evolution of Versions

Visualize the evolution of all the versions to track and compare the work done and decide on the next steps of your project.

Compare 2 Versions

Select two versions and compare it visually to track progress of the project

Publish directly from TCHACHO

Once approved, you can publish directly your digital pictures, videos or document directly to Facebook, Instagram, youtube, Linkedin, Google drive, Dropbox or any integrated cloud provider.

Workload & Ressources management

For each new digital asset to produce get in seconds the big picture of who is working on what. Affect the new work to do to the available ressources from your team without exceeding the weekly work hours.

Project management

Manage your creation and design team with a calendar view and access directly the work in progress to check the status of each project and digital asset.

Centralized Workspace

Centralize the work of all your agency in one application to make access to all the public and private projects easier.

With a centralized workspace you can search, be inspired by completed projects or recycle old or unsold versions faster.

Archive your projects

TCHACHO helps you archive your completed projects with their source files easily in the cloud to manage costs of the cloud collaboration and the cost of the archiving process